App Development blog

In today's digitized age, where technology is ever-evolving and the boundaries of what's possible are continuously being redefined, it’s imperative to align oneself with partners who not only understand this landscape but can also navigate its intricate intricacies. That’s where we, at Code Heroes, come into play.

As a leading App Development company based in Brisbane, we've carved out a niche in crafting user-centric, custom-built apps that not only elevate the value for end-users but drive digital transformation for organizations. Our expertise stretches beyond the realms of mere app development, diving deep into the heart of ensuring mobile products empower users, be they customers or a dedicated workforce.

Our blog is a window into the world of Code Heroes. We aim to share insights, innovations, and anecdotes that define our unique approach to mobile app development and digital solutions. From unravelling the nuances of UX/UI design, and frontend or backend development intricacies, our articles will provide a holistic view of our journey, beliefs, and commitment to excellence.

Moreover, as champions of change and innovation, our recent ventures, like the game-changing app enabling Queenslanders to use digital driver licenses, are testimony to our prowess and vision. This space will shed light on such milestones, offering readers a behind-the-scenes view of how we’re consistently pushing the envelope.

Being in the industry for over a decade, our experiences have shaped our perspective, and this blog will serve as a conduit to share this wisdom. Whether you're an aspiring app developer, an organization aiming for digital transformation, or simply someone intrigued by the world of mobile technology, there's something here for everyone.

Join us on this enlightening journey. Witness firsthand how our team, with their inquisitive minds, passion for tech, and relentless pursuit of excellence, are making a mark in the app development world.

Stay tuned, get inspired. Welcome to the narrative of Code Heroes!

How much does it cost to build an app in 2023?
Brendt Sheen Brendt Sheen

How much does it cost to build an app in 2023?

Successfully building an app and deploying that on the App Stores (or delivering to your workforce) is a complicated and coordinated effort that, done well, takes experts across multiple fields. But how much exactly will it cost?

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Test-driven development (TDD) in Flutter
Christo Brits Christo Brits

Test-driven development (TDD) in Flutter

Test-driven development (TDD) doesn’t have to be all red lights and roadblocks. This blog takes you through the best practice approach to TDD in Flutter so you can go from red to green in a Dash.

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Get to know Flutter 3.0
Paulina Szklarska Paulina Szklarska

Get to know Flutter 3.0

From game toolkits to foldable phone support, learn about the features of Flutter 3.0 - the latest version of the most popular cross-platform mobile framework.

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How apps can help your business
Angelino Picone Angelino Picone

How apps can help your business

Applications can be used to increase efficiency and engagement from your employees leading to more accurate, consistent data as well as increased employee satisfaction.

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Onboarding users into your app
Tatiana Roga Tatiana Roga

Onboarding users into your app

Onboarding is the process of brining users into an app; quickly highlighting the key features of the app, and educating them on how to use them. Apps have a very specific window of time to take advantage of onboarding; so here’s some tips on how to best onboard your users.

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From forms to Flutter
Brendt Sheen Brendt Sheen

From forms to Flutter

As Code Heroes targets the two major mobile platforms, iOS and Android, the Xamarin Forms allowed us to maximise code reuse across the two platforms. We transitioned from native to Xamarin in 2015. Around that same time, Google's "Shy" project began and, in the years since, has grown into the platform we now call Flutter.

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Engaging users through gamification
Tatiana Roga Tatiana Roga

Engaging users through gamification

The question, “how best can we engage users” is always at the back of designers’ minds. In a saturated market of apps all competing not just for phone space, but also for user time, it is becoming increasingly difficult to grab and hold onto attention. One way of doing this is with gamification, the method of using game-like techniques to engage users.

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Looking for expert advice? Connect with an app specialist.

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